
Showing posts from August, 2011

How we Precribe?

Why I don't prescribe Medicines? See and understand  What is an adverse reaction to medication? Adverse reaction: In pharmacology, any unexpected or dangerous reaction to a drug. An unwanted effect caused by the administration of a drug. The onset of the adverse reaction may be  sudden  or develop over time. Also called an adverse drug event (ADE), adverse drug reaction (ADR), adverse effect or adverse event. Medical Definition of Adverse reaction - MedicineNet Dealing With Medicine Side Effects and Interactions-Side Effects Medicines and side effects - Better Health Channel Adverse effect - Wikipedia What is an adverse reactio...

Nutritional Values - Fats and Oils

FATS AND OILS Energy (KCal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) All values are per 100 g of edible portions. Butter 729 NIL NIL 81 NIL NIL Ghee 900 NIL NIL 100 NIL NIL Vegetable oil (Groundnut, Palm, Mustard, Coconut) 900 NIL NIL 100 NIL NIL

Nutitional Values of Sugar and Sweet items

Nutritional Values of Sugar and Sweets Brought to U.... .   and SUGARS Energy (KCal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) All values are per 100 g of edible portions. Sugar 398 0.1 99.4 NIL 12 0.15 Honey 319 0.3 79.5 NIL 5 0.69 Jaggery (Cane) 383 0.4 95 0.1 80 2.6 ...

Nutitional values of Milk and Milk Products

NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FOOD - MILK & MILK PRODUCTS MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Energy (KCal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) All values are per 100 g of edible portions. Milk (Buffalo) 117 4.3 5 6.5 210 0.2 Milk (Cow) 67 3.2 4.4 4.1 120 0.2 ...

Nutritional Value of ROOTS AND TUBERS

Nutritional Values of ROOTS AND TUBERS Brought to U.. and ROOTS AND TUBERS Energy (KCal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) All values are per 100 g of edible portions. Arrow root 334 0.2 83.1 0.1 10 1 Beet root 43 1.7 8.8 0.1 18.3 1.19 Carrot 48 0.9 10.6 0.2 80 1.03 ...

Think about your problems

Think about your problems As per Astrological Principles One will not face any problem --Health or Accidents or Financial or other if he runs with auspicious periods of planets. Planetary periods are judged as per the place of planets owned or occupied by friends or receiving beneficial aspects etc. I am giving some examples as under If no. of persons are traveling in a car or bus or train or  plane or other. If the vehicle met with an accident the injuries are not similar to each other. Some may have head injury, some may have other injuries, some may be safe without injury. As I explained you in astrological analysis the injuries are as per the malefic effects of individuals and which part they are indicating at the time of Accident, that part will get injury and other individuals which do not have any malefic effect at the time of accident will be safe with out any injury. Similarly any malefic planet period will cause Health problems to the part which it is indic...